After 17 years of living with wallpaper chosen straight from the Waverly book, it was time to bid the scalloped pattern good-bye. And, it was time to say hello to a new floor, cabinets, and a marble counter-top.
That old wallpaper could have told some stories about me, though. (
OK, not just the way I look before I put on make-up in the morning!) This just happens to be the bathroom that serves as my "escape," where I take a long hot bath...go for a deep and needed cry...and the place I retreat to when I just need a moment of peace. Yes, that wallpaper has seen not only powder and lipstick, but laughter and tears.
So now, hand-textured walls of yellow now greet me each morning when I brush my teeth and in the evening when I wash the day away. Who know what stories they'll have to tell?